Over the past few months I have been lucky enough to be part of a lovely little project called "Doing Art, The Blog" with the incredibly fabulous Ladybug. We laughed, we cried, we made some bold and ridiculous statements, all in all we had a pretty good time. But recently due to my increasing nakedness, my famousness has also increased and like Paul Simon before me I must Garfunkle Ladybug and move on. It was a mutual agreement that we both decided on, and Ladybug said that she is going to take this opportunity to also move bigger and better things. I won't say what exactly but I think we all know what she has in mind...
Or start an Etsy store, who knows... |
I on the other hand plan to peruse my dream in becoming a starving artist while making a few jokes along the way. It wont be easy, but with a little hard work and determination I can be a raging success, and if you want to support me come on down to Colfax and help a guy out.
I'll be standing next to the heavyset hooker and the guy who needs spaceship parts to get back home.
Now let's all rip off our pants and get Naked and Famous together!