Hello, I just realized it has been some time since I contributed any sort of real material to the internet and in a day and age where starting your own blog is as easy as 1st grade art, and any nut ball, crack-pot or weirdo can post whatever opinion, idea, and racy picture they want, it is my duty as one of those weirdos, to do my part and make a post that makes you say, “Well, that’s probably five minutes of my life I’ll never get back.”
Anyway, like I said I haven’t posted in quite some time. As most of you have probably speculated I did in fact die, after being sold for 30 denarii. I rose from the dead three days later to fight Zombie Jesus and his army of robotic camels, and hid Easter eggs for all the children of the world.
If you don’t believe that story I have also been really busy lately. I recently gave up my life to go back to school. The last time I went I majored in getting wasted and dropping out, now I decided to devote my time to studying hard, getting A’s, and doing homework while working full time; essentially I’ve decided to major in putting a bullet through my skull.
In case anyone was curious I am still married to the fabulous and lovely Ladybug, for those of you taking bets on how long until she leaves me. I know, I’m surprised she puts up with me too (she probably sticks around for my rocking body).
She recently got us into brewing beer after she attended a meeting of the Denver Home Brew Club which I finally had a chance to attend. The people there made me laugh and I ate a huge pretzel and sampled quite a few tasty beers, it’s a pretty good time. Anyway our first batch of beer was a brown ale which turned out pretty good for a first beer and yesterday we brewed up Hefeweizen which should be ready in a month. This has also led me to believe Ladybug is some sort of black mage who possesses fire spells since she is the only one who can get the turkey fryer to work properly when we brew, as well as our grill. I on the other hand am excellent at blowing my arm hair and eyebrows off into next Tuesday.

She recently got us into brewing beer after she attended a meeting of the Denver Home Brew Club which I finally had a chance to attend. The people there made me laugh and I ate a huge pretzel and sampled quite a few tasty beers, it’s a pretty good time. Anyway our first batch of beer was a brown ale which turned out pretty good for a first beer and yesterday we brewed up Hefeweizen which should be ready in a month. This has also led me to believe Ladybug is some sort of black mage who possesses fire spells since she is the only one who can get the turkey fryer to work properly when we brew, as well as our grill. I on the other hand am excellent at blowing my arm hair and eyebrows off into next Tuesday.
Ladybug's ID picture from her last job.
I sit here thinking that I should study for my finals which are next week, so if anybody knows the devil’s phone number I’ve got a soul I’m willing to make a deal with. Perhaps I should crack open a bottle of liquid motivation and get started. As far as my blog I will be out of school for the summer so I plan to post as much material as I can whenever the hell I feel like it, between my epic battles, saving the world for mythical creatures like hydras, goblins, and Donald Trump, as well as the various parties I keep getting invited to by super models I’m sure I can find time.
Also you guys could send me money, lots and lots of money will motivate me to write, or draw, hell I’m pretty much willing do whatever the hell you want for the right price. And on that note, have a good night, I’m going to get wasted and see where it takes me.
Seriously, I'll do whatever you want.
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